Mexican Red
All projects with the Mexican Red colour
Riccardo Fresch
Can we present the instrument cajón under a new light?
Bianca Miori, Silvia Grazian
How do we introduce children to new materials?
Miriam Pardeller
How can design give space to children in our homes?
Marina Piva
How can we involve children in the practice of gardening?
Giulio Marzatico
What is lightness?
Ann Luca Weiss
How can the high waters in Venice be faced?
Anna Maconi
What are the different possibilities of human beauty?
Degree Project
Gaia Tovaglia
Can you feel the border or is it just a convention?
Degree Project
Dario Lantschner
Can the void be a positive force?
Degree Project
Ilaria Palazzeschi
Can a light save a life?
Degree Project
Katharina Ennemoser
VWAREA – A modular seating system
Julia Beruffi
How fascism influenced communication means during secon world war?
Luca Weste
How can you live under a bridge?
Degree Project
Tetyana Leontyuk Kuch
Have you ever wondered how you can compost at home easily?
Sofia Rossi
How is a contemporary carpet conceived?
Degree Project
Meike Haun
How can we make Club-Mate better?