Outer Space
All projects with the Outer Space colour
Caterina Rigobianco, Pietro Rigo Lange
Can we protect our identity in a increasingly surveilled world?
Isabella Küchler
Where do we lean against in public?
Miriam Pardeller
Do you know about the storm that changed everything?
Carl Seegers
Could construction sites serve as inspiration for furniture?
Katharina Mayr
Luca Piscopo
Candy Oscuro: Apocalypse & Genesis
Irene Sabine Rainer
Self – portrait
Hella-Katharina Popp
Can I turn into a lurking crocodile?
Julia Luana Carp
What's the border between the search for intimacy and the violation of privacy?
Hella-Katharina Popp
Can we drop our stereotypes?
Giacomo Turra
Who Is Giacomo?
Agnese Guerrieri
How can I organize my rubber boot collection?
Nicole Magagnotti Panizza
Can we connect present with the past through traditional objects?
Anna Maria Zuech
Can we integrate workspaces into small environments?
Soraia Oliveira
Lisa-Maria Putzer, Matteo Antoniazzi
How can we translate sounds into movements?