Waikawa Gray
All projects with the Waikawa Gray colour
Nicole Magagnotti Panizza
Can the ticket of the future be a souvenir?
Nicolaï Martini
Are we able to transform the sitting bench?
Filippo Contatore
Performing Matta-Clark in my bedrooms
Riccardo Fresch
Can we bridge between the past and present through our objects?
Maria Palacios Armesto
How can you externalize a secret?
Sebastian Carl-Marcus Haaf
Who is responsible for dead places and what can we learn from them?
Camilla Margoni
What's the price for always having every food available?
Anna Armani, Barbara Giordani
Meysa Selim
How is it hard for elderly people to remember to have their pills?
Valentina Cemin
What does care mean to you?
Giulia Pezzin
Hannah Göbbels
Can we change the Capitalocene?
Chiara Pinzan
What are dreams, if not wishing stars?
Greta Pallhuber
Welche Rolle hatte die Frau in Südtiroler Bauernfamilien im letzten Jahrhundert?
What is the boundary between catastrophe and change?
Degree Project
Ana Cecilia Bautista Diaz Mercado
Will it ever be possible to fully experience your true self in this world?