Artistic Production 1&2

Academic staff
Can Altay
BA Major Art
2021 Summer

“It matters what matters we use to think other matters with; it matters what stories we tell to tell other stories with; it matters what knots knot knots,…, what ties tie ties. It matters what stories make worlds, what worlds make stories.” (Donna Haraway)

Art making is having ready what needs to be experienced. But the question of what is “needed” would raise highly contested discussions. Artistic production involves a paradox of choice. Which matters to employ, what stories to tell, what tools to mobilize, which ties to weave, which ideas to project: these are at the core of forming the world through cultural production. The position, the method, the tools, the context, will matter for any artist.

Structured as two short intensives, the course focuses on developing individual/collective methods towards artistic production. Outlining the importance of context, the course will call for an investigation of art-sustaining environments through artistic work. These sessions will explore how artistic activity can respond to, alter, and propose other possibilities for life in a changing world. A broader understanding of dynamics and the roles of cultural production entangled technologies, and the state of understanding of non-human life will be key discussion points. It is also the intention of these gatherings to see the classroom as a collective space for participatory work. From directly exchanging skills, leading discussions on reading material, and contributing to individual works, all participants will be actively shaping the course together.