Drawing & Storytelling

Academic staff
Shaima Dief
BA Major Art
2021 Winter

This course introduces students to classical and contemporary drawing techniques and concepts, with emphasis on the understanding of their formal language and the fundamentals of artistic expression.The vigorous training of one-year-course provided will allow students to visualize, conceptualize and communicate their ideas. Drawing of still-life, landscape, and life models from observation are geared towards realism; at the same time, various other drawing styles is explored.Linear perspective, pictorial composition, figure/ground relationships, shading techniques, tonal value, visual perception, spatial concepts, and critical thinking skills are all emphasized extensively.The course aims to sharpen observational skills and strengthen individual artistic vocabularies and develop a critical eye and observation.Demonstrations, slide lectures, group and individual critiques will be given throughout the course.The course is open to students of all academic years. Didactic materials take into account the trilingual context of the faculty.