A very first thing of a very first thing
The Art Warm Up Course this semester was divided in four blocks IMAGE / SCULPTURE / PERFORMANCE / EXHIBIT, as an introduction into this BA in Arts. The students produced works in relation to the months medium, at the end of which a collective revision was held and their work was critically assess and discuss by the group and a rotation of invited guests. Topics ranging from the self-image, memory, politics and history to the male-gaze and spanning questions of what is? what will? what could be? the students strived to reach unexplored regions of the metaphysical state of their existence; while the professors strived to intertwine their modules (theory, video-practice, art-practice and visual communication) so as to allow a state of constant cross-pollination. A fertile ground for growth and exploration was searched for. At the core of this semesters experiment, the ART WUP integrated an interdisciplinary theoretical and practical modality to equip emerging and growing artists with a new hard drive. The creative applications explored provide young people with an excellent model for how capable, curious explorers approach a rapidly changing world.