Project Warm-Up — Art 2020-21

the exhibition


After 300 days of zero gravity, more than ever bound in time and space to the conditions of now and here, we have adapted to learning and teaching—and vice versa—in order to understand the needs and to accomplish a necessary toolkit. Applied and approved strategies have allowed us to individually and collectively imagine, produce and exhibit art within a space that is non-conditional, virtual, bound neither to time nor space, that is not here, not now:

*Andrei Ujica, 1995


the course

The course clears basic questions such as “What does an artist do? What is the role of the contemporary artist within society? How do artists think?” It introduces to recent art history and gives the students the know-how to critically observe the artistic scene and the ability to define their own practice. The course prepares to later attend the studios Image, Space, Interact, Exhibit. It animates the students to a continuous artistic practice and trains the esthetic perception. It finally qualifies to use the art information systems like art magazines, newspapers, catalogues, exhibitions or galleries.

Starting from traditional media like painting and sculpture with a special attention to concept, storytelling and working with the space, the students apprehend the different aspects and steps of artistic practice: the idea, the production, the presentation. The course is divided into 5 blocks: The Artist / The Practice / The Public Space / The Work / The Public.


professors: Riccardo Previdi (practice); Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen (theory)
teaching assistants: Julia Frank; Martin Verdroß