The power of Play

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the

play instinct.” Carl Jung


Play is a way of being in this world. It is our way to engage with it and make it ours through our personal expression.

Therefore, we better take play more seriously and use its full potential to explore and understand our world – such as children do.

As human beings and especially as designers.


During our course we used play as an essential motor to experiment, test boundaries and free the mind in order to foster creativity and innovation.


The Power of Play is not about designing games or toys but rather a creative methodology that opens our senses to our daily routines and rises questions.

With critical awareness and a playful attitude, we took the challenge to query existing typologies of objects to create a more pleasurable, meaningful and human environment that invites us to a new holistic experience within our daily routines.

Let’s embrace play as a creative and transformative superpower!


All projects in The power of Play