The Pub Hub: publications practices as a playground for the production and circulation of knowledge

The course explores experimental publishing practices intended as a driver of social activation, the production and sharing of information and knowledge. Starting from the specific field of visual communication for editorial design, the broad perspective assumed leads to questioning the disciplinary boundaries and habits of editorial design. From basic elements of page layout, text and the image become characters of a staging that involves the variables of space and time. Producing, sharing and the use of verbo-visual content become an opportunity for discussion and dialogue in which to re-evaluate the public dimension.

The proposed broadening of perspective favors the idea of ​​the designer seen as a directing and strategic role, allowing us to refine useful skills in the field of artistic direction such as the ability to coordinate multiple visual languages, to intertwine the production of content and their visual representations, to go beyond the limits of the visual, understanding communication as a holistic process for the production of meaning.

The Pub Hub will be a publishing hub that will function as a publishing machine throughout the whole semester. Students will define the topics at the center of their practice. For new forms of publishing: extemporaneous or ad hoc, localized or global, non-specialist or obsessive, immaterial or three-dimensional. To each their own.

All projects in The Pub Hub: publications practices as a playground for the production and circulation of knowledge