Who the fuck lives here?

The front door is slightly open, the doorbell still works, the security lock has been broken, the newspapers and post are piled up in front of the door. These signs are clear indications that nobody has lived here for a long time.

Curiosity aroused, you venture into the flat anyway and are faced with a chaos of things you don't understand and the question arises: "Who the Fuck Lives Here?." The exhibition is a metaphor, and it tells the life story of an imaginary collector who has left behind traces of his life. Our fictitious collector is a construction, and our exhibited flat is also a flat used as an exhibition. As the hypothetical flat and the exhibition space can no longer be separated, this exhibition challenges traditional notions of art presentation and art institution.

Here, the boundaries between everyday life and art and between the production of knowledge and its presentation and utilisation are blurred, leading to the dissolution of the authorship of the artist and the merging of the artwork with its surroundings. Works of art and everyday objects are joined together, interspersed, supported, hidden and scattered: the boundaries between art and life are blurred, things take on new meanings when they are placed in unexpected relationships to one another. The resulting living space is a challenging mixture of domestic, exhibition-related and institutional dimensions.

Our installation aims to show that art cannot isolate its objects from the conditions of their production and reception. Exhibiting becomes an artistic strategy capable of creating a social space for direct interaction. The dialogues take place between the objects and between the visitors and the meanings are constantly being recreated. There are no true and false artistic abstract interpretations here, but new social and cultural spaces must be negotiated. The title invites us to think critically about the institutional context of the exhibition as an inhabitable space and about the city - including our city of Bolzano - in which the art students of this project live.