WUP – Visual Communication

Academic staff
Antonino Benincasa
BA Major Design
2022/23 WS

The 1st semester, the so-called »WUP« or Warm-Up Semester is an interdisciplinary design foundation course. The WUP semester for the Major in Design is divided into two teaching modules: »Visual Communication« and »Product Design«.

WUP – Visual Communication 22/23

In the WUP »Visual Communication« the students had to design four exercises:

Module 1. Digital Drawing Basics
»Design Classic«. Learning to create vector graphics and executive drawings with the software Adobe Illustrator.

Module 2. Typeface Design Basics
Advanced digital drawing. Designing a Serif and Sans Serif editable Open Type | OTF font, with the software Adobe Illustrator and FontSelf.

Module 3. Typeface Specimen
Learning to present, explain, and layout the 2 Typefaces (Serif and Sans Serif Font), in a simple print-booklet with the software Adobe InDesign.

Module 4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Illustration
Storytelling through AI and ML is a new powerful tool in Design education because it allows students to connect with the Design process on a deeper level by using visual combination techniques and a hybrid fusion of ideas, styles, artists and image references. Through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) it is now possible to draw pictures with words and create visual storytelling

Module 5. Fundamentals of Editorial Design
Learning how to design a more complex print publication: Layout grids, typographical basics, and layout with the software Adobe InDesign. The students have chosen the topic of their publication according to their interests. The content (text – image) was either created by the students themselves or carefully researched.

WUP Project Assistants – Visual Communication
the 1st-semester students of the Foundation Design Course WUP-VC were tutored by:

Amedeo Bonini

Rocco Lorenzo Modugno

All projects in WUP – Visual Communication