Are chickens really living beings?

15000 BPH

The so called broiler, a chicken farmed for its’ meat, is the most killed animal in the world. 576,000,000 chickens are killed in Italy alone every year. Low prices and high demand call for an ever increasing speed of farming, killing and processing birds.

To meet those requests, leading companies are introducing machine lines able to kill, process and package up to 15000 birds per hour. Those processing plants require only a minimum of human intervention,  instead, a sophisticated array of machines transports the bird through the different stations, beginning from stunning and killing, over removing feathers and intestines  to packaging and distribution. To maximize efficiency, every step of the process is streamlined and engineered, from the egg to the product.

The following book makes a journey through the last century of chicken processing, follwing the inventions and machines involved into the process and asks the question:

Are those birds really living beings or just protein on legs meant to sustain us?

If the only purpose of life is to be killed, can it be called alive?

If we created it by breeding and genetic engineering, is it organic?

If only machines interact with the bird, is it not just a product?

A project made in the course

Cuocere il mondo

What we cook and eat today hides behind an intricate labyrinth of questions, unresolved issues, critical points, fears and threats. In this sense, rethinking the way we produce, transport and consume our food is one of the most important challenges of today. The “Cuocere il mondo” course starts from these questions, with the idea of mapping and addressing the issues and problems linked to the food system and its impact on the current environmental crisis.