How can we go back to normality?


Alessandro Daniele

Per trenta giorni pesca una carta, esci di casa ed osserva il mondo.
Riabilitati alla normalità.

Un mazzo di trenta tarocchi con sensazioni del mondo che abbiamo dimenticato nella quarantena ed un diario dove poter appuntare le proprie esperienze nel mondo esterno.

A project made in the course

Il corpo non mente

The course “Il corpo non mente“ addresses the question of the body under the COVID-19 pandemic through the tools and languages of visual communication. The main topic is articulated through a series of concepts (greeting, normality, distance, cure), each of which refers to a specific aspect related to the transformation of our bodies at the time of the pandemic. For each of these concepts, each student defines a word to interpret and represent the given concept and the way in which this is declined in our bodily experience. For each word, an artefact of visual communication is then designed.
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