30 days/ walks, gestures and signs
Julia Luana Carp
Julia Luana Carp Academic staff
Massimo Bartolini Andreas Bernhard Josef Metzner-Szigeth Luca Trevisani Course
Walking with Vertigo Program
BA Major Art Semester
2021/22 WS 30 days in which the act of movement was explored with the idea of Serendipity.
Experiencing the urban space through the body
and the body through the space in an multisensorial manner.
Each day a new action was found, practiced and made to an potential new tool of artistic exploration.
A project made in the course
Walking with Vertigo
The most elaborate and conscious form of movement is found in traveling. The ways of traveling that maintain a certain proportional relationship with the space and time of the body, I refer to walking, by car, train, bicycle and motorbike, are those in which the imprint left by the agrimensor traveller on the matter of the world is most sensitive. A force that actually shapes bodies and produces sense through what Thierry Davila calls Cineplastics. The Expulsion from Paradise, that of Masaccio’s fresco, is represented with Adam and Eve taking their first step into the world of men.
More projects by Julia Luana Carp
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