What are the different possibilities of human beauty?

Degree Project

(7) different possibilities of human beauty

Anna Maconi

Anna Maconi
BA Major Design

The aim of this project, that to some may appear futile, is to illustrate the different possibilities of human beauty. The kind of beauty taken into consideration is not that of a face or a body, for which nobody can claim merit or demerit, but rather the beauty of the essence in each of us, which depends on the way we use our freedom.
The raw material of the project are (7) “transparent people”, willing to show themselves for what they are. Based on the interviews, a customised costume and setting have been created.
Since the beauty of the human being is never just static, but also expresses itself through movements and words, the ‘non-actors’ have been filmed for a few minutes while wearing their own costume in that space that should resemble their ‘inner home’ as much as possible. The result is a hybrid project between theatre, fashion and cinema, in which honesty and poetry try to play the most important roles.
The task of the author is not to create something beautiful but only to reveal the hidden beauty, to reverse content into shape. And, taking as an axiom the fact that shape is the essence, if the shape is exact, then it will be possible to see how much beauty, diversity and uniqueness man is capable of. Which is no different from the indispensable element of every love story and of every progress.