Dario Lantschner

Austro-Italian designer Dario Lantschner asked himself how a dystopian scenario could look like where he is directly affected. The Brexit is after years still a present and sensitive topic. Dario then tried to imagine a utopia where the whole EU collapse. Because of the collapse, he loses both his identities and even gets outcasted by both states as they do not want to have “refugees” and “traitors” from other ex-EU countries. Due to the ejection and loss of the identity people strand at borders and live in no man’s land. These people start a guerrilla movement. To express their identity they create outfits and go on the streets. Riots and small terroristic attacks soon overshadow Europe. The main goal of the movement is a comeback of the EU so that this minority gets its freedom back. The dystopian scenario hits taboos and tries to break rules in various ways. The designer is playing with the idea of how a state rules over somebody and how easy this relationship can break. Moreover, he questions what really identity is and how important it can be for somebody. Maybe also the idea behind the EU gets pointed out differently as we are used to this total freedom.



A project made in the course

Correct / Incorrect

In 1999, the Spanish artist Santiago Sierra had tattooed a line on the backs of six young unemployed people against payment of 30 dollars each («250 cm line tattoed on 6 paid people»). Taboo breaks in art often were turning points towards new avant-gardes. They refer to ethical questions and destroy moral conventions. If one reads today’s news, one recognizes manifold attempts in which political groups question the ethical values protected by social norms. Through deliberate, gross taboo violation, they aim at the substance of democratic societies.
More projects by Dario Lantschner