

Barbara Giordani
Samuel Simoni

Agana (italiano)

Agana è un elemento di arredo urbano che mira a reinserire in chiave contemporanea il ruolo fondamentale delle fontane: Essere un punto di aggregazione sociale per la comunità.  Grazie alle vasche e alla panca che possono essere ruotate sul asse centrale, Agana si adatta a differenti luoghi di installazione.  Queste costellazioni dinamiche, unite alla possibilità di adattare la colonna a seconda del materiale tipico del luogo, rende Agana un oggetto architettonico versatile nonché un simbolo identificativo per la città. Con le sue tre principali funzioni, ovvero quella di offrire acqua, sedersi e rinfrescarsi, Agana si differenzia dalla staticità funzionale delle tradizionali fontane.

Agana (deutsch)

Agana ist ein Element der Stadtmöblierung, das darauf abzielt, die grundlegende Rolle von Brunnen in zeitgemäßer Form wiederherzustellen: ein sozialer Treffpunkt für die Gemeinschaft zu sein.  Dank der um die Mittelachse drehbaren Becken und Sitzbank, passt sich Agana an verschiedene Aufstellungsorte an.  Diese unterschiedlichen Konstellationen, kombiniert mit der Möglichkeit, die Säule an das typische Material des Standorts anzupassen, machen Agana zu einem vielseitigen architektonischen Objekt. Mit seinen drei Hauptfunktionen – Wasser bereitzustellen, eine Sitzmöglichkeit zu bieten und sich zu erfrischen – unterscheidet sich Agana von der funktionalen Statik herkömmlicher Brunnen.

Agana (english)

Agana is an element of street furniture that aims to reintroduce in a contemporary key the fundamental role of fountains: to be a point of social aggregation for the community.  Thanks to rotable elements such as the basins and the bench, Agana adapts to different places of installation.  These various constellations, combined with the possibility of adapting the column to the typical material of the location, make Agana a versatile architectural object. With its three main functions such as providing water, offering a seating possibility and refreshment opportunity, Agana differs from the functional static nature of traditional fountains.

A project made in the course


ATELIERprojekte is conceived as a design experience, aimed at refining and testing technique, creativity, personal organization, research, and communication. After the study of diverse typologies of product and companies, each student freely chose a personal project to work with, consisting in an object to develop, also imagining its potential producer. The path is completed by a rich formation in digital modelling and a theoretical deepening of communicative issues touched by the project itself.
More projects by Barbara Giordani, Samuel Simoni