Do you know about Italian colonialism?

Degree Project


Camilla Angolini

Camilla Angolini
BA Major Art

The Italian colonial past is an obscure and unspoken part of the national history. The widespread disinformation and the poor education of the Italian population has shaped a fragmented memory of this past, while the absence of mainstream public discussions around the topic is allowing it to fall into oblivion. However, the colonial past lives on silently in different forms in the Italian culture, especially through language, even if always completely detached from its origins. Dealing with the private archival material of the Angolini family, produced during the years spent in the “Africa Orientale Italiana”, the discussion around the topic goes from the specific to the general. In the presentation space, the spectator is confronted with three works, both independent and interconnected, the translations of the focal points that surfaced from the theoretical research: the manipulation of the narrative, the fragmentation and oblivion of memory and, last but not least, the relation between past and present. Finally, the project aims to start a comprehensive discussion in the hope to raise a wider awareness of the unspoken.