Do you wish you were like Aristofie?


Francesca Moschen

Social Media Account


Aristofie is a virtual being who likes to express her opinion and to be satirical in her own way through the platform called Instagram. She was born from the idea that sometimes we as human beings wish we were different: we may not like our appearance or our current life condition, we may not like to be exposed or called out for something we said or did. Aristofie doesn’t care about any of these; she lives freely on the web and she says and does whatever she likes, not caring if you like it or not.

Do you wish you were like Aristofie?

This project wants to touch the line which divides the concepts of real and fake. Virtual beings can work as an alter-egos or as independent figures, depending on how much the “owners” sees themselves in it.

A project made in the course

Studio Image | The End of the Global World? Visual (Counter-) Narratives of Territory and Identity

Studio IMAGE | BA Major in Art Although initially developed by the US military, the World Wide Web of the 1990s ironically seemed to promise the ultimate utopia of a globally connected world with no restrictions. Most diverse communities emerged, beyond concepts of a jus soli or a jus sanguinis. The place of birth seemed to become as irrelevant as the question where one’s parents were citizens of. In the meantime, the Internet has become the space for hate speech, offensive imagery and nationalistic narratives.
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