Attribuiamo Immagini Alle Nuvole Per Avvicinarci Ad Esse

Attribuiamo Immagini Alle Nuvole Per Avvicinarci Ad Esse

Elda Ergulec

1’2” video collage


A search to find the line that divides rational from irrational.

A question on the representation of pain in the media.

A game of metaphors and open interpretations.

A project made in the course

Studio Image | The End of the Global World? Visual (Counter-) Narratives of Territory and Identity

Studio IMAGE | BA Major in Art Although initially developed by the US military, the World Wide Web of the 1990s ironically seemed to promise the ultimate utopia of a globally connected world with no restrictions. Most diverse communities emerged, beyond concepts of a jus soli or a jus sanguinis. The place of birth seemed to become as irrelevant as the question where one’s parents were citizens of. In the meantime, the Internet has become the space for hate speech, offensive imagery and nationalistic narratives.
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