Can we apply the Bauhaus way of working to create cover art?

B is for Bauhaus

Chiara Facchini
Andrea Ferri
Maria Letizia Mastroianni
Trebo Matthias
Marlene Metschies
Alin Sellemond
Nooshin Shahkarami
Sofia Zorzi

A series of lectures and exercises with themes and topics directly related to the main subject of the project: Bauhaus. We will research and make critical investigations, develop concepts and discover the principles and elements of graphic design for making storytelling and brand design to achieve the project results. Furthermore, the course will examine the importance of Bauhaus graphic culture and its influence in the contemporary graphic, passing trough visual storytelling, type setting, use of analogue and digital technology and old and new ways of communication, specially the importance of the manufacturing and the “learning by doing” process applied to Music Cover Album Design.

A project made in the course

B is for Bauhaus

A series of lectures and exercises with themes and topics directly related to the Project in Visual Communication: B is for Bauhaus. This exercise within the project was supervised solely by Prof. a.c. Gianluca Seta.
More projects by Alin Sellemond, Andrea Ferri, Chiara Facchini, Maria Letizia Mastroianni, Marlene Metschies, Nooshin Shahkarami, Sofia Zorzi, Trebo Matthias
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