Barfuß am Webstuhl
Sophia Basso Ines Brandt
Sophia Basso Ines Brandt Academic staff
Uwe Hartmut Martin Course
Video & Postproduktion Program
BA Major Design Semester
2022/23 SS EN
The short documentary “Barfuß am Webstuhl” tells the story of a weaver who lives in the narrow valleys of South Tyrol. Despite many obstacles, he pursues his passion and provides a fulfilled life for himself and his daughter.
Der Kurzfilm “Barfuß am Webstuhl” erzählt die Geschichte eines Webers, welcher in den Engen der Täler Südtirols, trotz vieler Hürden, seiner Passion nachgeht und sich und seiner Tochter ein erfülltes Leben ermöglicht.

A project made in the course
Video & Postproduktion
During this course, students create cinematic work individually or in small teams: linear short films, mini-series, multimedia web documentaries, or spatial installations. The theory is conveyed through the joint analysis of linear, interactive, and spatially fragmented film works.
More projects by Ines Brandt, Sophia Basso
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