Is it still possible to imagine a life deep in nature?


Giulia Battisti

4 hr 4′ 2” video documentation of a performance

As time passes, it becomes everyday more evident that humans are losing the connection to the natural environment. Everyone is busy with their everyday life, spending most of their time in buildings, apartments, homes, always surrounded by walls, with a roof on top and pavement under their feet. Due to the lockdown this situation came to a new peek, not being anymore normality but a forced condition in which confronting ourselves with the walls of our homes was inevitable.

This piece came together as a consequence of this condition, by radically living in the complete opposite of this past two months: bringing my room, the furniture that was part of my childhood into the forest I escaped from the walls that had suffocated me and existed for a day without them. Suddenly, the ground under my feet was earth and grass and I had the possibility of reconnecting. But this comes as well with exposure, as indeed our homes are meant to protect us. During this experience I confronted myself with the duality my action implemented.

A project made in the course

Studio Image | The End of the Global World? Visual (Counter-) Narratives of Territory and Identity

Studio IMAGE | BA Major in Art Although initially developed by the US military, the World Wide Web of the 1990s ironically seemed to promise the ultimate utopia of a globally connected world with no restrictions. Most diverse communities emerged, beyond concepts of a jus soli or a jus sanguinis. The place of birth seemed to become as irrelevant as the question where one’s parents were citizens of. In the meantime, the Internet has become the space for hate speech, offensive imagery and nationalistic narratives.
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