Can you feel the border or is it just a convention?

Degree Project

between territories

Gaia Tovaglia

Gaia Tovaglia
BA Major Design

video – audio 06’50”

What does it mean to feel a border while passing from one territory to another? Where does the line lay? Can you feel it or is it just a convention? Are we used to confront us with real borders?

With the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948, the territory on which it rises has been affected by a flux of changes marked by various annexations, separations, isolations and therefore divisions of territories. The existence of unofficial borders at the expenses of official ones, led to the need of creating limits through walls, fences, checkpoints, military presence and settlements. The situation of isolation and impossibility to cross borders that the Pandemic made the EU countries face again after a long time, is indeed the common experience that people living in the Palestinian and Israeli territories are confronted with every day. The main goal of my project is to question this issue and raise awareness about the political situation there by acting in the public space of the city of Bolzano through a series of interventions that are altering people’s routine and everyday life. People will have to confront, react to and question barriers.