Big Foot

Big Foot

Ilaria Fauri Taddei

“Big Foot” is a game for children about ecological footprint. The idea of ecological footprint is translated into a foot that changes its size depending on human habits. The players learn about the connection between their choices in the fields of alimentation and transport and the corresponding impact they have on the environment. Moreover, they come to experience the disadvantage of having a great ecological footprint by wearing cumbersome footwear, that obstacle them during the game.

The game comes accompanied by a booklet entitled: “Who has got the biggest foot in the world?”. The booklet contains a more precise explanation of what an ecological footprint is and an infographic about the total ecological footprint of many countries of the world.

The game is thought as a part of “Come on kids: play with climate!”, an outdoor event with the purpose of sensitizing children to the issue of climate change through several games.

A project made in the course

Come on Kids! Play with Climate

Children will build the world of tomorrow. A world that could be very different from the world that we live today, due to the environmental crisis of the last decades. The course “Come on Kids! Play with Climate” contributes to the education of designers able to work against what Indian writer Amitav Ghosh has described as “The Great Derangement”.
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