Do you know what happened in the Pergine Valsugana asylum?

Book – Stigma: storia di un’istituzione totale

Sofia Pinni

In such a controverse and extraordinary period, I wanted to discuss important themes. I tried to graphically communicate strong emotions in order to engage readers and make them reflect, so that they can form their own opinion about events, that should not be forgotten and from which we can still learn. This is the reason why I chose to deal with the topic of mental health during the 1900s in Trentino-Alto Adige and its most exemplary establishment: the Pergine Valsugana ex-asylum. The main concept of the project is to present a total institution in its purpose: give an order to society by getting problematic and eccentric individuals away and isolate them in asylums, just like in jails. In its continuous interweaving of order and eccentricity, this project, Stigma: storia di un’istituzione totale, aims to present facts from the point of view of an ordered and hierarchical institution.

To organise the huge amount of unstructured and disorganised information I managed to retrieve, I decided to sort the contents in four main themes and chapters (Voci, Istituzione totale, Antidoto, and Gusci) and to bind the whole publication as an archive of documents of different nature.

A project made in the course

Order & Eccentricity

If you stumble upon Markus Kutter’s book Schiff nach Europa you can clearly spot the eccentricity of its layout. The body text is set large and small, the text lines change direction and assume different positions across every page. The book design is by Karl Gerstner. This peculiar design could be interpreted in two different ways: from one side the layout is controlled (as the book states, the text is “visually organized”, so it is set to visualize the contents) but the same layout is also truly experimental and completely out of the ordinary.
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