What is lightness?


Giulio Marzatico

Lightness is a reaction to heaviness: the common weight of men is the finiteness of existence. However, if one looks at death within the original life cycle, one can remove weight from existence, attributing meaning to its end.
Different cultures have nourished the detachment from nature at the moment of death, blurring the possibility of meaning in the end of life.
At the same time, lightness can be achieved through aesthetics, thanks to which the subject of death can be approached with another point of view. The project “Bools” (“tools” and “bones”) reworks the aesthetic of the universal icon of death, the bones.
Through Lightness man can change perspective, from the heaviness of reality, freeing himself from the inessential.

A project made in the course

La Leggerezza

La leggerezza non è frivola spiega Italo Calvino nelle sue lezioni americane per il nuovo millennio. Il mondo è pesante, opaco e inerte: la ricerca della leggerezza, per Calvino, è “reazione al peso del vivere”. Ciò non significa, per lui, estraniarsi dal mondo. Poiché la leggerezza, controintuitivamente è un modo di approfondire, di stimolare l’invenzione.
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