Can we bridge between the past and present through our objects?

Breviario Familiare

Riccardo Fresch

BREVIARIO FAMILIARE is a photographic project that aims to narrate the space through its sacredness, focusing on all those objects and devices that represent the inhabitants in their beliefs, faith, superstitions and idols: domestic space is illustrated showing the private sphere of the personal altars that populate it, either visible or not. The book does not want to be considered as a collection of religious icons, but rather as an exploration of the concept of sacred in its more general way. In particular, the house that is explored is my paternal grandparents’, a big farmhouse that saw the succession of three generations. Its story is condensed in the objects it contains, from the crucifixes looking down from almost every doorframe to the jealously kept letters sent from a brother who never came back from war.

BREVIARIO FAMILIARE is a bridge between past and present, it is the story of a house through the pictures of the objects that make up its history. The project consists of a photographic narration. On one hand, the images represent objects and views of the examined house; on the other hand, they are pictures of pictures, such as of diapositives found in various family photo albums: between past and present, spaces and objects change and remain the same, soaking the domestic space in values and beliefs. The title of the project itself is taken from a family book, whose photo is displayed in the book.

A project made in the course

New Domestic Escape

What is Home today? Where does domestic space start and end? When do we feel at home? Starting from the heroic exhibition “new domestic landscape” hosted at MOMA which in the 60s launched “Italian design” in the world, we will start looking for new and visionary ideas of dynamics, relationships and interactions that design our living spaces.
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