how to sanctify an object?

Cicciobello Sebino, Foggia, 1966

Alessia Maria Concetta Carbonara

Alessia Maria Concetta Carbonara
Academic staff
Diego Tonus
BA Major Art
2022/23 SS

Alessia Maria Concetta Carbonara
Cicciobello Sebino, Foggia, 1966
3 ink jet prints, 54 x 74 cm (non-framed)


“In 1966 my mother’s family lived in Foggia. My Grandma was a housewife and depended economically on my grandfather. Every month he gave her an amount of money to take care of the family. He was a very severe and rigid man and never gave her more money than agreed. In Foggia there was a toy shop that gave the possibility to gradually bring a sum of money and once the price of the desired item was reached, you could take it. My grandmother saving money took a year to buy a doll, called Cicciobello, for my mother, which she then gave to me.”

Cicciobello Sebino, Foggia, 1966, is an artwork consisting of three photographs. Is a series revolving around the themes of motherhood and female generational heritage. The blue colour of the doll’s clothing became the starting point for an intergenerational dialogue. By transforming the gender-identifying dress into three sewing bobbins, and dedicating them respectively to her grandmother, mother and herself, the artist visually activates and constructs the thread for an intergenerational conversation.

A project made in the course


ORIGINAL COPY is devised as a space where participants question the meaning of an ‘original’ and its ‘copy’ in contemporary art by exploring various practices of reproduction, copying, and remaking, as well as examining their power as active gestures and critical interpretations to arrive to a ‘new original’. What reproduction modes and techniques are available nowadays to an artist? What is the meaning of ‘original’ in the historical moment we are living in and what is its relationship to authenticity? What is a copy and what is a ‘new original’?
More projects by Alessia Maria Concetta Carbonara