Comizi di genere
Elena Gemello
Normal/abnormal, white/black, male/female, able/disable. How many and which are the categories within we tend to want us and others to fit? Do they permit dynamism, evasion?
The fluid nature of our existence is evident in this particular pandemic period and it contributes to the development of a climate where uncertainty, instability and social fear meet opportunities for reflection, self-(re)discovery and the conception of new routes and open spaces.
Contemporary theories such as non-binarism, xenofeminism and intersectionality form the backdrop for 30 interviews intended to explore the fluidity of humankind. The humanistic approach applied to the collection and reprocessing of qualitative data gives life to the podcast Comizi di genere. Freedom, expressiveness and naturalness allow the transmission of thoughts, feelings and experiences from a reality that exists at the intersection of everything.
The project was born with the aim of questioning discriminatory preconceptions and overcoming intolerance and exclusion and intends to test the ground for the conception of a truly emancipatory future.