Can you write the script for a movie bases on this list of film?

Con la testa tra le nuvole (Titoli di coda)

TinoRoberto Bors

TinoRoberto Bors
Academic staff
Diego Tonus
BA Major Art
2022/23 SS


Tino Roberto Bors
Con la testa tra le nuvole (Titoli di coda)
With the head in the clouds (Closing Credits)
Video HD, Color/No Sound, 30’
2023 on-going


Con la testa tra le nuvole is an ongoing series of works that finds its foundation in the attempt to list all the movies the artist has ever watched in his life. The list is unstable, changing its shape from the constant view of movies and the recollection of lost, older ones. The video installation Titoli di coda closes the first chapter of the series, presenting the result of the discussion and collaboration between the artist and ChatGPT-3.5, an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAi. In this video, ChatGPT is challenged by the artist to write the script for the “perfect” film, based on the compiled list of movies he has watched up to the moment of the exhibition. The artist’s intent is to challenge ChatGPT and its possibilities, while also questioning the sense of authorship for creative content when dealing with such technologies.

A project made in the course


ORIGINAL COPY is devised as a space where participants question the meaning of an ‘original’ and its ‘copy’ in contemporary art by exploring various practices of reproduction, copying, and remaking, as well as examining their power as active gestures and critical interpretations to arrive to a ‘new original’. What reproduction modes and techniques are available nowadays to an artist? What is the meaning of ‘original’ in the historical moment we are living in and what is its relationship to authenticity? What is a copy and what is a ‘new original’?
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