Cristina Datres

Proposal for a website


What were you wearing?

The website Consenziente takes inspiration from known online shops such as Amazon or ebay. It works in the same way but it is selling only clothes: you will see several images of piece of clothes with an informative description about each piece beside it. The clothes on sale are the outfits that some people might have worn the day they got sexually assaulted. The description speaks of posssible origins of each piece of clothing, but it is also trying to sell the object, by describing its details.

The artwork challenges the prejudice that what you wear could lead to sexual harassment or that clothing could be used to express consent.



A project made in the course

WORTH A 1000 WORDS? Image and Text: From Representation to a New Politics of Seeing

Since the advent of photography, the complex relationship between photographic image, text and politics has been embedded in photographic and artistic practices as well as critical discourses of photo theory. During the winter semester 2020/21 Studio Image explored the relationship between image, text and politics of communication. We examined a series of examples on a timeline running from the heyday of humanistic photography to the implications of today’s digital technologies. The heart of this semester’s project is artistic projects that innovatively relate to text layers.