What are your converging lines?

Convergent Lines

Laora Kula

8’03” video

I was born in Albania in the year 2000 and my parents are first generation immigrants.
I had no problem coming to Italy for the first time, in fact I felt so safe that I don’t even recall that very first day in the country I have been living in for most of my life now. But for some people that’s seen as a huge fortune. Many wish they could forget about their first day.

I decided to interview my dad and my uncle, both of them were born and raised in the same town and later on moved to Italy together, but in two very different ways. Both of them had to face the struggles that came with the years they decided to move in. Both of them equally valid and deserving to be heard.

My project was also the historical event of the “Vlora” ship, which was a cargo ship built in 196o in Ancona (Italy) that sailed under the Albanian flag until 1996. It is most famous for carrying tens of thousands of Albanian refugees to the Italian port of Bari on 8 August 1991, 30 years ago, an unprecedented mass arrival that caught Italian authorities unaware.

A project made in the course

Democracy in Distress? Manufacturing Majorities Through New Forms of Propaganda

“In our age there is no such thing as “keeping out of politics.” George Orwell, All Art is Propaganda, 1941 The term propaganda is derived from the Latin propagare (to spread, distribute) and today, in general understanding, describes targeted attempts to generate, manipulate and direct public opinions. A prominent, historical example of totalitarian propaganda is the story of a photograph from the early 1930s. This picture originally shows the smiling Nikolai Yezhov, then head of the Soviet secret police, next to Joseph Stalin on the Moscow Canal. Yezhov fell out of favor a few years later, was executed in 1940 and should then be forgotten: he was removed from the photo by analog retouching.
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