HfG Ulm: How can we show the heritage of european design?

Corporate Identity – hfg design museum ulm

Marina Piva

The HfG Archive Ulm is the archive and museum that contains the legacy of the Ulm School of Design, active from 1953 to 1968. It is located in the original building of the school, which is  managed by the HfG Foundation Ulm.

The institution, in its double nature of archive and museum, is addressed to a specialised public, which can consult the material by appointment, but tries to reach also a more diverse public.

Not only through its permanent and seasonal exhibitions, the museum aims to showcase the great legacy that designers, students and professors, have cultivated during and after the school years and the influence they had in the world.

The “hfg design museum ulm” seeks to open itself up to a wider audience. Delving into its past tradition as a school environment, its hallmark is its clarity in communicating and educating about its approach to design.

The proposed new visual identity of the museum aims to represent the design approach at the core of the Ulm School of Design. The students were trained in different areas of design, but they also received basic instruction so that they would first of all obtain a design method, a way of thinking and developing their ideas in a systematic way.

To give form to the vision, a real system  based on mathematics was created and applied to all components of the visual identity.

A project made in the course

Design by Reason

The project deals with visual graphic identities and visual communication for institutions. Which features characterize ‘corporate design’? In which sense do brand development and branding differentiate from it? What are the conceptional and visual criteria for the development of trademarks?
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