Can we give a second life to leftovers from textile production?


Martina Caprin
Clara Vardon

This project investigate the waste of the textile production, with a focus on the cut-and-sew scraps produced when shaping garments. The repetition of outlines indentified allowed us to create a language based on countershapes. We propose a DIY methodology through an illustrated booklet to let people create new things out of scraps. The project was realised together with Spinnradl cut-outs waste.

A project made in the course

Fashion For Future

Projects on the processing of bio-based and/or circular materials with accessible, distributed and democratic ways of manufacturing allowing a do-it-yourself approach to local manufacturing. Designing out waste with the help of alternative crafts, tools, and processes for a more sustainable future of fashion. The first outcomes will be presented during the end of semester exhibition “Gäste-Ospiti-Guests” GOG 2023 and are archived at the Material Library.

Read more and keep in touch:

Fashion For Future – Website
More projects by Clara Vardon, Martina Caprin