Who am I to google?

Degree Project

Data doesn’t suffer – (De)digitalized personal archive

Silvia Bovo

Silvia Bovo
BA Major Design


“Data doesn’t suffer – (De)digitised personal archive” is an editorial project exploring the boundary
between personal and private, one’s identity and the loss of it in the digital realm. The project employs
my personal data, which I obtained after requesting and collecting it from all the online platforms I have
used over the past eight years, such as Google, Spotify and Netflix. As the philosopher Gilles Deleuze
remarked, people are no longer considered as individuals, but in today’s society they become
“dividuals”, broken down into their parts and visualised through samples and data. Therefore, after
seeing what kind of information was collected from my actions completed on these platforms, I decided
to give this data a new tangibility. Accordingly, I created a personal archive by reorganising them.
However, upon examining and trying to consult the contents, one can see that the closer one moves
chronologically to the present, the more distorted and undecipherable they become. This intervention
of codification aims to emphasise how, after becoming aware of what traces were left by my presence
on the web, I wanted to distance myself from this dynamic. Consequently, I choose to conceal these
testimonies, resorting to the use of forms of encrypted language, both for the written part as well as for
the images. Indeed, this project stems from a desire to raise awareness about the role of new
technological devices, about the companies that have privatised their cyberspace, and finally about the
relationship that users establish with them both.

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