A Timeless Classic?

Design Classic – Riva Aquarama

Soeren Blaecker

Design Classic – Riva Aquarama

Carlo Riva, son of sportsboat shipyard owner Serafino Riva, designed the Riva Aquarama in 1962. It was in production until 1996, alongside several other models that were produced during this perdiod of time. The Aquarama is one of a kind and is probably the most famous classic sportsboat ever made.

A project made in the course

WUP – Visual Communication

The 1st semester, the so-called »WUP« or Warm-Up Semester is an interdisciplinary design foundation course. The WUP semester for the Major in Design is divided into two teaching modules: »Visual Communication« and »Product Design«. WUP-VC: WUP – Visual Communication 22/23 In the WUP »Visual Communication« the students had to design four exercises: Module 1. Digital Drawing Basics »Design Classic«.
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