How are our forests suffering due to climate change?


Virginia Professione

Dialoghi starts with the desire of understanding how our forest ecosystems are suffering due to climate change. Not accustomed to go beyond the appearance of what we observe, when we enter a wood, we do not dwell on the signs of suffering that the forest gives us. The Vaia Storm of October 2018 was the first time we realised that something was changing in our forests and that the climate crisis was not a future problem but a present one. Dialoghi wants to suggest a different look. The very structure of this book gives us the freedom of choosing whether to stay on the surface and experience the beauty of nature or to go deeper, discovering what lies behind it. A biunivocal path that retraces through photographs, illustrations and texts, the experience of a forest. Its aim is not only to highlight the consequences of the climate crisis on our territory, but also to make visible an underground world that many of us ignore.

A project made in the course

The Big Warm

Project Visual Communication | BA Major Design “Our earth is becoming too small for us, global population is increasing at an alarming rate and we are in danger of self-destructing” — Stephen Hawking With this sad prevision, some years ago Stephen Hawking was warning us about the risk of climate change – a risk that is threatening us, as humans. Pollution, intensive animal farming, overpopulation, non-renewable energy production, lack of political intelligence, are just some of the main factors responsible for the rising of Earth’s temperature. Despite global warming negationism, today we are already facing the consequences of climate change. These consequences are producing despair, fear, wars; they are the cause of “democratic” dictatorships, where elected presidents are building higher walls.
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