Dove vanno i cani a morire?

Dove vanno i cani a morire?

Luca Bessi

The (virtual) installation features the 3d model of a dog jacket made to measure for me. Behind it is displayed a photo depicting the dress in use.


Mi avvolgo nelle coperte, le indosso, le rendo abito per cane, io come i cani, sto da solo.


Dress made of faded red cotton mattress cover, reinforced with vliseline and machine-sewn.
(Approx. dimensions 91 x 114 mm)

Photography realised in collaboration with Chiara Zilioli.
(Hypothetical dimensions 1667 x 900 mm – Virtual dimensions 5040 x 2720 px)

A project made in the course

Studio Exhibit – When Attitudes Become Re-form

‘When Attitudes Become Form’ was a groundbreaking exhibition held in 1969 in Bern and re-staged in Venice in 2013 at Prada Foundation. During the summer semester of AY 2019-2020, students were invited to choose, out of the original show, one artist each and to reconstruct the work. They were also expected to produce a work of their own, which would resonate with their replica experience. Important was to introduce the concept of the artist as participant in an ongoing discourse, throughout appropriation and translation.
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