Ella – An armchair for the elderly
Raquel Weber
Raquel Weber Academic staff
Riccardo Berrone Klaus Hackl Hans Hoeger Course
CARE. A New Foundation for Design? Program
BA Major Design Semester
2022 Winter EN
Ella is an armchair designed in the minimum details to care for the elderly. Ella wants you to feel extremely comfortable with a soft hugging feeling and it is reliable giving you autonomy by providing the necessary support.
Ella è una poltroncina progettata nei minimi dettagli per prendersi cura degli anziani. Ella vuole farvi sentire estremamente comodi, abbracciati da una morbida sensazione ed è uno strumento affidabile che vi dona autonomia fornendo il supporto necessario.
Ella ist ein Sessel, der bis ins letzte Detail für die Bedürfnisse von älteren Menschen entwickelt wurde. Sie möchte, dass du dich in ihrer weichen Umarmung wohlfühlst, gleichzeitig ist Ella eine zuverlässige Unterstützung die deine Autonomie gewährleistet.
A project made in the course
CARE. A New Foundation for Design?
This winter semester we launched a project cooperation with the South Tyrolean furniture company rossin to explore the role of design in the field of care and welfare. Care is not only a fundamental condition of our human existence, but also an important motivation for a sustainable and socially responsible design. Caritas, the active care for others in need, a basic principle of social cohesion, has returned to the centre of our attention during the Corona pandemic. In particular, caring for the elderly and the sick, the vulnerable and the handicapped as well as hosting pilgrims, travellers and migrants has become inscribed into the DNA of South Tyrol’s cultural heritage over the centuries.