Can we create new dimensions through storytelling to escape in?

FUGACE. Brevi storie in libertà

Sofia Gandini
Rebecca Morando

In a 2020 marked by quarantines and traumatic events, full of absurdity, disbelief and hope, people looked for a way to escape the reality they were experiencing. We have therefore come to drastically reject the life that had been imposed on us by reclaiming our freedom with the only use of our imagination. Every twist and turn is possible, no law governs the universe, the only limit is your imagination.

Fugace. Brevi storie in libertà is a game that allows you to break down the physical confining walls and to provide a playful, light-hearted dimension through storytelling. The deck of cards is a basis for telling short stories: the 90 cards that make up the deck are based on literary archetypes that were adapted to our contemporary enviroment and that can be interpreted during the development of the story. The deck is divided into five categories of cards: goal, instrument, envi- ronment, action and character. With the help of the cards, players find themselves creating new realities and new alternative worlds to their own, implementing an imaginary mental escape.

A project made in the course

New Domestic Escape

What is Home today? Where does domestic space start and end? When do we feel at home? Starting from the heroic exhibition “new domestic landscape” hosted at MOMA which in the 60s launched “Italian design” in the world, we will start looking for new and visionary ideas of dynamics, relationships and interactions that design our living spaces.
More projects by Rebecca Morando, Sofia Gandini
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