What games will we play when the glaciers have melted?

Giro dell’Orso

Margherita De Alessandri
Giovanni Matteotti

The project is inspired by the Game Goose, a traditional board game which consists of a path to be completed relying on one’s luck in rolling the dice.

Due to climate change, which causes the melting of glaciers, polar bears like other animals that live thanks to the presence of large glaciers are struggling for survival.In the game, the players dress up as polar bears and in the game path, which is made up of 24 boxes, they will find themselves above several ice caps which portray the difficulties that this animal encounters due to the tragic problem. The boxes prevent the players from going forward, forcing them to go back, or with a little luck, they help them move forward faster.

A project made in the course

Come on Kids! Play with Climate

Children will build the world of tomorrow. A world that could be very different from the world that we live today, due to the environmental crisis of the last decades. The course “Come on Kids! Play with Climate” contributes to the education of designers able to work against what Indian writer Amitav Ghosh has described as “The Great Derangement”.
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