Can protective gear for gardeners be comfortable and safe?

HeMod Pro – Modular head protection system

Margherita Novembri

Clothing has always been a characterizing aspect of the individual. Since ancient times it has allowed man to protect himself from the external environment and at the same time has become an indicator of social status. Every type of garment has, for all to see, a meaning, a function and its belonging. If we think for example of a businessman, we imagine him in a suit, if we think of an ice-cream man we imagine him dressed in white… The same goes for the figure of the gardener: the gloves, the overalls, the plaid shirt, they are all characteristic aspects of the individual and common in everyone’s imagination. Obviously, one of the fundamental aspects of the gardener’s clothing is the protective one: the gloves are used to protect the hands from possible injuries and dirt, the face visor is essential when using grass or hedge trimmers, the hat protects the gardener from the sun.

HeMod Pro has been designed in order to provide the necessary comfort and safety for every type of activity in the garden. This modular protection system works with an adjustable elastic headband structure covered in magnets: it will be very easy to replace the type of protective device required or even to use more than one at the same time. The power of the system stands in the fact that it’s open to any addition and variations, every type of device could potentially be adapted to the system, even going beyond the gardening field.

The system has three main features:
• comfortable and safe to work with
• adjustable (does not have any size)
• easy to use (the different parts are easily interchangeable)

The elastic headband structure has an “Y” shape on the top and a part which goes all around the head, this shape allows stability and comfort. The headband is supplemented with two ladder lock buckles which allow the adjustment. The magnets are stored in little cloth pockets which are sewn onto the headband and which can be moved as desired.

The system is composed by five protective devices.

Two visors:
• baseball-like visor (which keeps the face in the shade)
• conical-like visor (with a fl at top which covers the whole head providing a better protection from the sun)
Their shapes are a result of following the general characteristic of adjustability. In fact the two shapes are adaptable to every head size. Moreover, the core material of the visors is a really thin iron sheet which is easy to fold and adjust.

Three additional protection devices:
• bandanna-like protection (which can be used in combination with the baseball visor to provide a complete protection from sun)
• beekeeper/mosquitoes net (which can be easily fixed onto the conical visor)
• face visor (which protects the gardener when grass and hedges trimming)
Unlike the two visors, this protections don’t have an iron sheet core, however they all are provided with small iron parts. The bandanna-like protection, for example has three small plates swen on its surface.


A project made in the course

Planting. Tending. Picking.

Tools for Gardeners The word culture is derived from early farming, from agriculture and horticulture. It is based on those prehistoric activities that humans had to carry out to survive and to make the Earth their property. Agriculture is still very much practised in the same spirit, but today it is rational, mechanised and automated by using the latest digital technology. The culture of gardening, on the other hand, is the result of a human passion to create spaces with plants that are both aesthetically real and illusionary.
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