How can we introduce children to the topic of climate change?

Indovina Dove

Rebecca Rita Rossetto

What is global warming? What are the effects of climate change? Is it important to do something about it? What will our future look like, and how do we communicate all of this to the generation that will have to face these problems?

During this project we tried to give answers to some of these questions, trying to imagine tools that would enable the future generation to approach the topic of climate change, tools designed to communicate and educate on such a serious and complex issue using playful situations to their advantage. This game, inspired by a classic board game, aims at providing information about the ever so relevant topic of climate catastrophes. Engaging the players in a virtual journey across the globe, it makes them discover how concrete and dramatic the effects of climate change can be.

A project made in the course

Come on Kids! Play with Climate

Children will build the world of tomorrow. A world that could be very different from the world that we live today, due to the environmental crisis of the last decades. The course “Come on Kids! Play with Climate” contributes to the education of designers able to work against what Indian writer Amitav Ghosh has described as “The Great Derangement”.
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