What are your issues?


Noemi Carrara
Alessia Frerotti
Delilah Angel Friedman
Laura Galvanetto
Agnese Guerrieri
Nora Rinner

The Issue collective is an open space for creators, in which we discuss subjects regarding our genders, bodies, and minds. We want to create a platform to express the issues that are close to us and important to give a voice. We have the urge – and invite anyone who feels it too – to ad-dress and object to our society’s inequalities through artistic media. Collectivity has its importance in its community. Through common thoughts, the voices accumulate into a roar, loudness, to be heard. Through our space of creativity we are also able to give artists a platform, making them be seen in their works and thoughts, but also define the issues for our-selves and how we wish to approach them. The collective mind is able to recreate the common thoughts which are based on oppression, and define new structures. Handwritten parts are included in several publications we produced, we aim to visually underline the collectiveness through the handwritten versions of the logos and manifesto. The “ISSUE” word in the logo will be written by someone different in every publication. For ISSUE 01 we created a publication made out of postcards, each designed by a member of the collective. We used them as a space to introduce ourselves. Through them, we are able to bring our ideas into the world, but we also discover which topics are important to us together and individually, which is why they work together and – when taken apart – alone as well. Each member has a space to express their thoughts on gender inequalities. These range from cat-calling, to inclusive language, to femicide, to power relationships. Postcards travel. They are small tools of communication, which are easily taken around. These cards give us the space to create the message and for it to be seen, sent and heard.

A project made in the course

Dick Pics & Mug Shots

Bodies are trimmed, shaped, manipulated and evaluated, they are shared and sent, controlled, monitored, used and exploited. It’s about markings, interpretative sovereignty, belonging and exclusion. It’s about the exercise of power, self-empowerment, technical possibilities and economic interests. Bodies and our dealings with them are political.
More projects by Agnese Guerrieri, Alessia Frerotti, Delilah Angel Friedman, Laura Galvanetto, Noemi Carrara, Nora Rinner
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