How can a toy be inclusive?

Degree Project

KOKKO – inclusive wearable toy

Nicole Magagnotti Panizza

KOKKO is a series of soft and interactive toys to address the child’s sensory needs and promote his/her development trough an open-ended activity.

Thanks to a collaboration with occupational therapists, pedagogists and parents of children affected by autism and sensory integration disorder, it has been studied which factors are beneficial to alleviate sensory overload and support the child’s personal and educational growth.

KOKKO follows the concept of “inclusive rather than exclusive design”, meaning that even though it addresses specific sensory needs, it is therapeutic for every child, regardless of his/her medical condition, age, race or sex.

It is made out of entirely vegetal materials, with the outer fabric in cotton, linen or hemp and the padding in spelt and millet husk, stone pine shavings, linseeds and kapok wadding, which confer benefits on the child’s physical and mental health.

Its wearability and adaptability to the user is promoted by a body-centered design approach based on biomorphic shapes, pockets and a modular hooking system .

The therapeutic role of KOKKO consists in stimulating inhibiting sensory inputs, establishing an “escape space”, essential for the child to soothe sensory overload and promote his cognitve, emotional, behavioral and motor development.

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