What scars does war leave in the mind of a soldier?

La guerra in testa

Chiara Cortellini

3 photographic prints 65 x 97,5 cm, 8 pages 16,5 x 22,5 cm
 29,7 x 23 cm publication

The environment turns into a silent storyteller of its own scars and recreates, from time to time, an atmosphere of brutal violence. La guerra in testa* * recalls some stories of the traces left in soldiers’ minds by the horrific conflicts.
Are we sure that this is just an act of reminiscing about the scenery of World War I’s mental aftermaths?
Past and present meet. Silence.

*Written material courtesy of Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino, archive in Trento. Original photographs taken in Val di Pejo and Passo del Tonale.
**The work was titled after Anna Grillini’s book La guerra in testa. Esperienze e traumi di civili, profughi e soldati nel manicomio di Pergine Valsugana (1909-1924), Il Mulino, 2018.


A project made in the course

Violent Images

Studio IMAGE | BA Major in Art Violent images surround us. They may directly represent violence, or their violent potential may be revealed in connection with their production, dissemination or use. Images both reflect and exert violence: snapshots from the Abu Ghraib create a meme shared round the world; surveillance expands with facial recognition and drone monitoring; sexist images permeate advertising and the entertainment sector. Social platforms like Facebook and Google possess sweeping influence over what we view.
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