How can do-it-yourself materials be made using only local resources?


Arthur Holt
Hannah Marti

The idea behind this material experiment is to use local, natural (waste) materials from the region around Lasa. The idea was to create new combinations from precisely very iconic South Tyrolean resources. The starting point was Lasa marble, which was combined with apples, and chestnuts.

The do-it-yourself idea also played an important role – what materials can be created without additional products if possible. In many DIY recipes, glycerine, gelatine, starch or agar-agar are added, which have to be purchased additionally and are not produced locally, although they could be or could be subsidised with local resources.

<p>material samples</p>

material samples

<p>material samples</p>

material samples

<p>ingredients for Lasa Marberial</p>

ingredients for Lasa Marberial

<p>Inside of the Lasa Marble Quarry</p><br />

Inside of the Lasa Marble Quarry

<p>Marble being cut in quarry</p><br />

Marble being cut in quarry

<p>process of making pectin</p><br />

process of making pectin

A project made in the course

S is for Stone

We investigated the early lifecycle stages of the processing of regional stones (extraction: Lasa Marmo, production: südtirol.stein) in South Tyrol with a special focus on manufacturing waste exploring its material qualities (characterization with Tetyana Drozd), small scale processing (frantoio sociale with studio GISTO), reuse potential (do-it-yourself recipes at BITZ fablab) and digital manufacturing (clay-printing with Druckwerk). The results are documented and shared with at the unibz material library (archiving with Eva Bauer).

Project support and collaborators:
Lasa Marmo
Studio GISTO
BITZ fablab
Tetyana Drozd
Material library
Foto Forum
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