what does mental health mean to you?

Mattine così

Sofia Bonomi
Lisa Caprara
Francesca Re


This short film tells firsthand the struggles that a person affected by mental disorders has to deal with. We have interviewed a student to dive deep into this process of healing, from the worst moments to a serene phase of acceptance.



Dieser Kurzfilm erzählt aus erster Hand von den Kämpfen, die ein von psychischen Störungen betroffener Mensch zu bewältigen hat. Wir haben einen Studenten interviewt, um den Heilungsprozess von den schlimmsten Momenten bis hin zu einer heiteren Phase der Akzeptanz zu durchleuchten.



A project made in the course

Video & Postproduktion

During this course, students create cinematic work individually or in small teams: linear short films, mini-series, multimedia web documentaries, or spatial installations. The theory is conveyed through the joint analysis of linear, interactive, and spatially fragmented film works.
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