What´s your favourite design?

“Mixed Tape”

Arthur Paul Ottmann

We were to build a fictitious hybrid instrument out of cardboard and had every freedom in the execution. The object should again be more than one metre tall.

I got some inspiration from the internet and found some really interesting instruments, like horns with special shapes. Then I naively set about building volume shapes out of triangles that always rotate in the direction they point. In this way I created quite interesting solids that I wanted to use as drums, which I then combined with an interesting horn that has a stratetube and no curves. Then I cut holes in the drums and put the tube of the horn through them. Finally, I build the end of the horn the same way as the drums and an attachment that is removable. This way you can take the drums off and change their position depending on what you need at the moment. To be able to play the drums, I built a stick with a bend to play the drums.

A project made in the course

WUP – Product Design

WUP – Product Design The aim of this varied and intense semester is to open the students to the vast and multi-faceted field of three- dimensional design. This semester will initiate a process of professional individual learning and prepare the students for the project-based semester work as practiced in the faculties study model. The course aims as well at forming a healthy habitus as a (future to be) professional designer while at the same time, founding of a solid and wide base for the further and more profound studies in the field. The course ‘WUP-product design’ is comprised out of three parts, two of them are taking place within 1/8 this main course, the third part are the workshop-courses (officine) held at the different workshops.
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